Sunday, October 31, 2010

Tooth Implant Procedure - Most Practical Replacement Option For a Single Tooth Or a Few Teeth

Knocked out a tooth or a few teeth due to sports or an accident? The best answer to your woes could be tooth implant procedure especially if you would like to avoid the scenario where your other teeth are affected by the positioning of bridges and partial dentures. To acquaint you with the procedure of tooth implant, the basic steps are described to familiarize yourself with the procedure and to better equip you to ask questions, and confer other alternatives with your doctor.

Basic Description of a Tooth Implant Procedure

* The first stage of a tooth implant procedure is to determine whether you are a good candidate for a dental implant. Smoker, heavy drinkers, and people with healing disabilities such as diabetes and anaemia are discouraged to undergo this treatment to avoid the risk of complications. The second stage is compliance with pre surgery requirements to include administration of x-rays for jawbone analysis as basis for determining the most appropriate implant device.

* The third stage involves the surgical procedure. Your dentist will decide on the type of anaesthesia to be administered whether it is a local anaesthesia or a general type to put you to sleep for the duration of the surgery. Also depending on your medical examination, antibiotics may be given before the surgery.

* The procedure involves incision on your gums and formation of a space by drilling a tiny hole in your jawbone. Through surgical procedure, a titanium-alloy cylinder is inserted into your jawbone which serves as an artificial root for holding a false tooth. Your gums are then sutured to enable the implants to get healed, and fuse with your jawbone to provide a stable support for the artificial tooth. The healing period can last for a minimum of four months or a maximum of six months.

* Your dentist will require you to take in antibiotics and pain relievers after the surgical procedure. You will also be given a temporary bridge or denture, if the implant is placed in the front of your mouth to alleviate any social discomfort. And after ten days, you will be instructed to return to your doctor to have the stitches removed.

After the implant is placed in your jaw, you will have to wait several months for the implant to osseointegrate or be attached to your jawbone. Healing usually requires three or four months in the lower jaw, and five to six months in the upper jaw. At this time, the head of the implant remains hidden below your gum.

* After the implants have osseointegrated to the surrounding jaw bone, you will be prepared for the second surgery. After the administration of anesthesia, your surgeon will uncover the implant by making a tiny incision in your gum. The protective screw of the implant will be replaced by a collar or metal abutment to maintain the space for your gums for proper healing purposes around the implant. The metal abutment is a small titanium cylinder that is positioned above your gums, where your teeth would be placed.

* Note that some dentists opt for one-stage implants. These dental implants placed in the jaw, remain exposed in the mouth so that administration of second surgery is no longer necessary.

* Normally, after two or three weeks after the second surgery, you have to visit your dentist to start the restoration process or having your crown or bridge made. To replace a single tooth, your dentist will use a crown. The crown will be custom designed to blend seamlessly with your other teeth. To replace back teeth, the use of metal crowns is often the answer considering that the same teeth are exposed to greater pressure from biting and chewing. To replace front teeth, the option is ceramic and porcelain crown type because of its natural appearance. Meanwhile for multiple teeth replacement, the implant-supported bridge is used.

Tell me the Cost of Dental Implant

* Cost of dental implant may range from $1,000 to $4,000 per tooth. On average, a full upper or lower jaw restoration would costs around $12,000 to $36,000, while full mouth restoration may range from $24,000 to $72,000.

* The price differences on cost of dental implant are due to the implant devices used, type of dental implant done, training and experience of the dentists, area and country location, and the amount of additional work done before the dental implants can be placed such as sinus augmentation for upper jaw implants and bone grafting when there is not enough bones to strongly hold the implant.

* Thus a dental implant is cheaper if the scope of work is limited to a single tooth or a few number of teeth. But if you need full lower or upper jaw teeth restoration done; you may wish to avail of dental financing plans or discuss with your dentist whether they accept installment payments.

Dental Implant Categories

* Endosteal implants or Root-Form Titanium Implants are implants directly placed into the jaw bone. These can be screw dental implant types or plate form implants, where a long, flat, implant is placed into the jawbone. Once the gum tissue surrounding the implant has healed, a second surgery is a must to bond a post to the original implant where the artificial tooth or teeth will be attached individually, or grouped together in a bridge or denture.

* On the other hand, subperiosteal implants are used when the amount of bone is not sufficient to strongly support endosteal implants. Instead of being inserted into the jaw bone, the subperiosteal dental implant types rest on surface of the jawbone beneath the gums and become fixed when the gums heal. Attached to the frame, are posts that extend beyond the gums wherein the substitute teeth will be placed. This type of implant is made from a CAT scan and cosmetic impression of the jawbone.

Success Rates and Durability of Implants

* Five-year studies have revealed a 95% success rate for lower jaw dental implants and 90% success rate for upper jaw dental implants. Upper jaw implants are more complicated operations because the upper jaw is less dense than the lower jaw, making osseointegration or the integration of the implant with the bone more difficult to attain.

* Implants normally last for ten or twenty years when done correctly and when patients adhere to a strict dental regimen.

The option to undergo tooth implant is a wise decision if you are confronted with a missing tooth or you need to replace a few teeth. Always ask your dentist for payment options when undergoing a dental implant procedure.

Dental implants are almost next to a natural tooth that your Fort Lauderdale dentists can give you. Understand why dental implants are giving people more reason to smile by visiting

Why Must I Opt For Dental Implants?

It is better to have a clear insight about tooth implants, especially if you are seriously considering on investing in them. Take a good look at your teeth set - did you notice how firmly it is planted on to the jaw? Dental implants are nothing but similar operating 'artificial roots' that will allow a dentist to plant a synthetic tooth. The pseudo tooth has to be held tightly in place. Else, it might be loosened eventually and the bearer might ingest them! In order to avoid the resulting complications, dentists always prefer to work with tooth implants.

If you happen to be someone who is undergoing the procedure for the very first time, you will have to consider some facts. Your initial resort must be the neighborhood friendly dentist. Fix an appointment with this personality - only an experienced dental doctor will be able to ponder over (and suggest suitable remedial measures) for your dental condition. If he finds that the root of the tooth is decayed or diseased, then he might suggest affixing dental implants before planting the artificial tooth.

Is there any manner with the aid of which you can avoid dental implants? Fortunately, there happens to be numerous options - removable dentures top the list. Normally, a dentist would strongly recommend to the patient to opt for such dentures. If the dental condition is in a bad shape, then he might suggest tooth implants. As I had mentioned earlier, only an experienced and acknowledged authority will be able to lend such decisions. Now that you are aware of dental implants, something else might crop up in your mind - are there many kinds of implants? Yes of course. Listing all the major kinds of dental implants available in the niche is beyond the scope of this brief article, though.

However, I would like to point out something else before I wrap up this discussion. How does the tooth implant remain in the jaw? If you think about it, the answer might materialize in your mind. The dentist would screw the dental implant into the jawbone. Only in the presence of ample amounts of space (for affixing the structure) the dentist would recommend tooth implants. The dentist would create the 'necessary space' if required. The procedure is quite elaborate. Any dentist would give a rundown of the steps that will be executed on a patient.

One other factor that you must consider is the following. Never try to hasten the ordeal. Give it sometime and find the very best dentist in town to plant the dental implants on your jawbone. The finest dentists can be found very easily with the help of the internet. The reputed ones always maintain a website - you can book an appointment for yourself through these portals.

Get all the information that you require about dental implant liverpool and dentist liverpool.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dental Implants - A Few Questions Answered

Can You Explain The Dental Implant Procedure?

It is a two step process that involves the surgical placement of the implant or implants, a healing period when it integrates with the jawbone and the restoration step to replace the missing tooth or teeth. A dentist who also has an advanced training in restoration may do the whole procedure himself or he may take the help of a restorative dentist who will design and insert the final replacement teeth after it has been placed by the surgical dentist.

Can anybody get teeth implants? Is age a limiting factor?

Almost anyone can get them provided you are healthy enough to have oral surgery. Some patients with auto-immune disease conditions may not be suitable candidates for them. Also, people with certain chronic diseases, heavy smokers, alcoholics are not suitable candidates. Age is not a limiting factor. But the very young and still in the growing phase are not considered.

Why should we go for teeth implants?

Tooth implant is right now the best treatment option available to replace missing tooth. It is easy to understand the reason, why? The many advantages that they have to offer over traditional methods of tooth replacement make them a clear winner. The impact of tooth implants on the oral, physical and mental health of patients receiving them has been tremendously positive.

How successful is it?

Implants have a success rate of 93 percent. This is average for the last 10 years. An every year more advanced techniques are being developed which is further improving the success rates.

How many types of are there?

They are of two types. The implants either sit on top of the jaw bone or implanted into the gum like the root of a natural tooth. Both types of implants offer strong, rigid support for replacement teeth. Dental Implants look and feel like natural tooth and several advantages of over bridges and dentures.

Everything you want to know about dental implants including the procedure, treatments options, types of dental implants, bone grafts and much more. It's the ultimate dental implants cost guide on the web.

Dental Tooth Implant Cost

The cost of dental implants can work out very expensive. With a dental tooth implant cost of potentially thousands, and in some cases, tens of thousands of dollars, this article is the helping hand of tips that can help you make big savings!

There are many different specialists now offering dental implants. The good news is that you can actually get the best dental implants cost, and you don't have to stick to the expensive price that you find with one specialist.

Remember that you can actually go forward and find some amazing options, and this requires some research. When you consider that you can make some great savings, then this becomes something to consider.

The first point to make these savings, is to remember that you don't have to compromise quality with the costs. However, to make sure you get top quality service, while saving, you will need to research.

There are some things that you can do, and effective research makes it a possibility. Take the time to research, and you can make some big savings. There are many places that can be found, but where do you find them?

Places like the Yellow Pages are a great idea, and provide options more local. Phoning a few of these dental implant specialists can reveal the dental implants cost, and allow you to budget how much you need to invest.

However, there are also some other ways to do the research. For example, going online is a great idea. However, with this method, you likely will need to travel more, and may need accommodation.

There is a need to consider the quality of what you are getting, and this is essential. With so many different options, you can get confused, but soon you will know what to look out for, so that you get the best deals.

There are associations in many countries that dentists are part of. This shows a quality assurance, and if they have that emblem or logo, it is the first sign that they are a good place to consider.

Looking online, can result in finding these options, and as it is a web site, some offer all the information and answers to frequently asked questions. The result is that you can find out exactly what you need.

Often you will find answers to questions you didn't think to ask, and this is what makes the web sites of so much value.

A great place to find the best dental implants is to go to dental implants cost.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Tooth Implants

Tooth implants are the creation of modern dentistry. Tooth implanting gives you a perfect appearance like the original tooth. They look similar to real teeth and also function like the real one. The process is a great technology and before going for implants you need to understand some important procedure requirements.

Firstly you have to check your dental conditions. Before doing the implanting the doctor will check your medical condition and also he will do the necessary check ups. From this check up the doctor will get an idea whether you are a good candidate for the implants or not.

By checking your physical and dental fitness the doctor will get the correct method to treat you. Depending on the patient's jaw and teeth condition, different implant methods are available. Sometimes for some people bone grafting is also necessary before the implant.

The implant is usually made of with titanium because it suitably merges with the human jaw. These are usually for the people with normal jawbones. When you have an insufficient jawbone then you have to do bone grafting before the implant. About the procedure, once you receive anesthesia the gum will open and your jaw bone is drilled. Then the implant is inserted in the gum by a method of stitching.

After this, the second step occurs. You may have to wait upto 3 months because this period will help the bone to grow with the implant. The next step is to attach the post. This is done by making another hole on the gum and then attached to implant. Then again you have to wait for 2 or 3 weeks for the gum to heal around the post.

After this healing, the dentist will check and then decide the correct crown for the missing teeth or tooth and determine what looks like normal teeth in appearance and also in functioning.

Read about tooth implant London and cosmetic dentist London

Thursday, October 28, 2010

How Long Do I Have to Wait to Get My New Dental Implants?

First, dental implants take time because:

* Your old teeth are pulled out.

* If there is underlying infection or abscess that needs to be treated. This may take time.

* A titanium screw is implanted in your gum

* It has to be given time about 6-8 weeks to heal and bond with your bones and gum.

* After that a dental technician takes measurements to get you fitted with dental crown.

* You are then fitted with a crown which is cemented on to your implant.

* The last step may take a few visits to get it right.

The whole procedure can take anywhere between 2-6 months depending on the quality and density of the bone receiving the implant. Costs vary from $1500 - $5000 in our area depending on which area you reside in.

If you are getting more than one tooth replaced then the time required will increase accordingly.

Who needs a tooth implant?

Anyone who has lost a tooth for various reasons is a possible candidate for tooth implant.

Why dental implants?

One very important reason is because these help save tooth. Dental bridges and dentures cause the erosion of teeth, bones and gum which does not happen if you go from tooth implants.

Do you really need teeth implants?

It has emerged as the most effective treatment for replacing lost teeth.

If you have a lost a tooth in accident or due to infection or to cavities, then you can opt for them. If your bone is weak or has an infection then first that condition will be remedied. After the bone graft is completed healed or the infection treated you will be ready to receive your teeth implants.

What are same-day dental implants?

Some tooth implants are done in a day - Where teeth are pulled out, titanium stud placed and teeth attached in a one day surgery. However the teeth at this stage are actually temporary teeth that are not meant for chewing anything tougher than pasta. A dental crown is placed over the implant after a few weeks time.

Check this dental implants resource that includes information about dental implant procedure, tooth implant treatment options, types of teeth implants, bone grafts, types of bone grafts for implants. It also features tons of articles on the pros and cons, dental implant and treatment costs, cosmetic dentistry procedures, dental veneers, dental bridges, dentures, braces and much more. Check out for all dental implant information needs.

How to Get Information on Tooth Implants

Tooth implants, commonly known as dental implants are basically artificial tooth which is replaced with the damaged tooth. It is made up of titanium which is shaped like screws so that it gets fitted till the roots. These implants are an expensive deal which demands art technology and skilled professional to implant it. Many people go in for this treatment to make their denture aesthetically appealing so that they can look and feel good. It is a comfortable tooth replacement which does not even makes you realize its artificiality. These implants help in improving oral hygiene and offer a permanent solution to teeth loss. It is an effective way to have a strong and durable set of teeth.

Knowing about dental implants is as easy as getting something at door step. You can explore pool of information available on the internet by typing 'dental implants' in search engine. You can find a lot of information related to tooth implants, various professional dentists and best dental clinics where you can get the implant done. Just at the click of button you will be able to get an appointment at the desired clinic. You can take the appointment either online or offline by making a call or by personally going to the clinic. You can even ask your friends, colleagues and family if they are aware about these inserts. Ask your family doctor as he is into medical field and he will surely be able to provide you with sufficient information. He might even recommend some dentists who would be useful in getting this procedure comfortably.

Before getting a surgery done, it is important to make sure that you have complete understanding of the process and have adequate knowledge about the surgery. You must also ensure that the dentist you choose is professional, skilled and experienced. Success of tooth implant mainly depends on dentist who takes over the surgery process. This process is wonderful for getting tooth in place especially when there are missing teeth. It is vital to have a dazzling smile to boost up your confidence and dental implants help you to do so in case you have any oral defects. It is a blessing for people who have lost or diseased teeth. Implant dentistry is the most reliable option which helps in curing dental problems by retaining natural beauty. It is prosthetic dentistry where root of tooth is artificially replaced with a new fang by undergoing a surgery.

Detailed information about this procedure must be digested before making a decision about going under a surgery. These implants will function just like your regular teeth but it requires more oral care. It is more prone to infection after surgery which can cause problems for natural teeth as well. It might even cause problems with bone healing and support system of implant. These issues are extremely rare and do not occur in every case. Prevention is better than cure is a good key to keep your pearly whites healthy and sparkling.

Article written by Dr. Puneet Kathuria, famous dentist in Delhi, India, offering world class dental implants.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

An Overview of the 3i Dental Implant

The 3i Dental Implant is a product of Biomet 3i. The 3i implant is a tapered implant that has been designed to provide primary stability and also help the dental surgeon in placing it in the jaw accurately.

The 3i dental implant has accurate, uniform thread design right up to the apex of the implant and this allows a close and intimate fit into the bone of the jaw. Also, this design allows for the complete contact between bone and tapered implant for its full length helping to give greater stability to the implant. The tapered design gives the 3i tooth implant the look and feel of an actual tooth.

The Biomet 3i dental implants helps dental surgeons to go for immediate or same day implants. This cuts out the long waiting periods when patients have to wait for months for the tooth implant to heal before abutments and crowns can be loaded on to the 3i tooth implant.

The new design allows for the 3i biomet dental implants to be placed immediately after bone grafts. It allows for simultaneous grafts and implant placement. The 3i teeth implants can be placed immediately after tooth extraction. The advantages of this new design system are that patients no longer have to go around with gaps in their mouth, they don't need to wait for long to get new teeth, this cuts down on the bone and gum receding and subsequent problems related to that.

The 3i implant shape and design promotes head start for bone integration, its domed shape apex prevents any potential damage to nerves or surrounding tissue, tapered design helps it to be placed even when the site location is having roots of adjacent tooth and the thread angles promote better anchoring with the bone which helps in primary stability and accurate placement of the tooth. Thus, making the 3i dental implant a good choice for both dental surgeons and patients for the long term success.

Everything you want to know about dental implants including the procedure, treatments options, types of dental implants, bone grafts and much more. It's the ultimate dental implants cost guide on the web.

Basic Exploration About Tooth Implant Cost

If you are having problems with missing teeth, you should consider the option of an investment in tooth implants. Tooth implants can help to restore your mouth structure after you have lost your teeth. If this is a procedure that you are interested in, you should consider researching tooth implant cost.

When essential teeth become missing in the mouth, it can cause the face to lose its shape. This can affect the general appearance of the face. It can also affect how a person eats or even speaks. Because of this, getting tooth implants is necessary to return the mouth and the face to the quality that they were previously in, or better.

Individuals may choose to get tooth implants for different reasons. Some people get the implants because they have missing teeth and they need to fix the problem. Other people get the implants because the teeth that they currently have are in very bad quality. Yet, there are still others who get work done because they are covering teeth that have become too yellow. This is not to say that the implants are only for aesthetic reasons.

In some cases, if there are not enough teeth in the mouth, or if teeth are missing from specific areas of the mouth, teeth that are still present can cause damage or irritation to the gum area that is exposed. To prevent discomfort, there needs to be something in place of where the missing teeth once were. This is one of the reasons that implants may be recommended to fill in the various gaps that may occur in the mouth.

If you are curious about tooth implant cost, there are many ways that you can find out. Consider searching the internet and browsing various dental sites to see what some of their prices are. You can also examine various dental prices in your local listings. The best way to get a precise estimate of how much it will cost would be to let your dentist see what the circumstances are with your teeth and make his or her decision.

In most cases, if you have insurance, you can get a reasonable price for the implants that you need done. However, not all insurances cover the cost of dental implants. You should consult your policy to find out what is available for you. If you do not have insurance, the dentist may be willing to work with you on a payment plan. This will allow you to make payments for your implants every month.

Aside from this, the procedure for a tooth implant is fairly simple and does not take long to complete. Many people sometimes have fear about going to the dentist and having work done on their teeth, but you should remember that it is for the sake of improving your smile and your health. Any discomfort associated with the dentist will only last very shortly.

If this still seems like an interesting option to you, you should research tooth implant cost. Find out what is available. Don't give up if the first few prices you find are not reasonable. You should be able to find something that fits into your budget or a dentist that will work with you on the payments. Give yourself the time to heal and afterward you will have a smile just like new.

Find out about the tooth implant you have been trying to get done. By researching the tooth implant cost you may be a step closer. Go online today and find out more.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dental Implants - The Good and The Bad

Dental implants are generally used to replace missing teeth. This can be one tooth, a couple of teeth or the complete mouthful of teeth. However, for each of those it is a slightly different procedure. The basis for each is the same. What are dental implants? Good question.

There are several ways to replace a missing tooth. You can use a bridge, a partial denture, or you can use a more permanent solution called a dental tooth implant. As the name suggests, something is implanted. However, it is not a tooth that is implanted, it is a metal rod. This rod is surgically placed into the jaw bone. Once the implantation has healed, a tooth is attached to the steel implant.

That's fine for one tooth. When a couple of teeth need replacing, it is quite common to have one more dental implants with the space between filled using a bridge. A bridge, as the name suggests, bridges a gap. This is a permanent fixture. Dental implants are placed into the jaw followed by tooth attachments. A bridge is then glued across the gap The third method used utilizes two different procedures. When replacing all the teeth in the mouth, you can either opt for a series of implants and bridges, or you can opt for approximately six implants with a denture then attached to those implants.

A dental tooth implant is a surgical procedure that is carried out by a periodontists. Because a steel rod is being inserted into your jaw bone, to be a candidate you must have a good bone structure and disease free gums. As you lose your teeth your jaw bone is slowly reabsorbed into the body. One of the benefits of dental tooth implants is the stability that it brings to jaw bones. It is also important to keep your mouth germ free after surgery - any surgery involving bones is always going to be a risk when it comes to bacteria.

Dental teeth implants are not pain free as some people suggest. The slightest bacteria in the mouth can lead to problems with the jaw and the implant. This can be painful for a short period but with regular and thorough dental hygiene can avoided. Once you have been through the procedures and come out unscathed you will find that having a dental implant was not that big an issue after all. What you will notice is that dental teeth implants are much more comfortable than dentures, even partial dentures.

Whilst dental teeth implants are expensive, they actually work out less expensive over time. Dentures need to be replaced, relined or repaired on a regular basis. This ongoing cost will exceed the cost of dental implant, more so the younger you are. If you have choice, and you can afford the upfront payment, go for the dental implant. If you lose bone over time, the option may not be available in later life.

Dental care is a family concern and should be undertaken as a family habit. Dental treatment in later life can be quite expensive with costs running into many thousands. Dental implants are just one example of expensive treatment costs. Read more on family dental health, umbilical cord blood banking and general family health at

Monday, October 25, 2010

How to Get Low Cost Tooth Implant Treatment

There are a large number of dental hospitals and clinics which offer dental implant treatment at cost effective prices. These hospitals and clinics are dedicated to provide such treatment at prices that any one could easily afford. One can find various dental hospitals and clinics in India that have become renowned for their quality services and reasonably priced services.

The Low Cost Tooth Implant Treatment Option

It is a fact that not only this tooth implant but various other dental surgeries are provided in India at such low prices that one cannot even imagine. The price for a dental implant surgery in India is quite less as compared to what is charged in the European countries. The reasonable fee of the dental treatment has impressed people residing in European countries so much that many have got their treatment done from the dental surgeons practicing in India.

One of the prominent reasons that most patients are heading towards India to get a tooth implant surgery done is that they are rest assured that they are in safe hands and that they would definitely save a fair amount of money also. The quality level of the surgeries is as per the international standards and the ones who have any kind of anxieties or queries can consult any dental surgeon to gather complete information before taking any decision.

One added advantage of visiting India to get tooth implant surgery done is that the patients can visit various interesting places in India along with acquiring a surgery that provides them complete dental health.

To search for the various doctors who offer affordable tooth implant treatment in India, one can simply visit websites of various dental doctors, check the price list and then take any decision. One can also have a consultation session with the doctor to know about the dental health and if one requires a dental implant surgery or not.

So, before making up ones mind, it is always advisable to know about the dental implant surgery completely.

Article written by Dr. Puneet Kathuria, famous dentist in Delhi, India, offering world class dental implants.

Tooth Pain Relief – Basic Knowledge You Should Know

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Looking for tooth pain relief products? If you are talking about the different kinds of toothache, there are effectively only 2 of them. One type is bearable while the other type is unbearable.

Unfortunately, it seems that almost all kinds of tooth pain are unbearable. Therefore, some toothache pain relief may help.

A lot of times, tooth pain occur due to damage in the mouth. You might mistakenly think that as long as you floss and brush your teeth everyday, or even consume an apple a day, you will be immune to toothache.

Unfortunately, this is not always true. Some people with the best dental care habit still get hit by this condition. For some people, it is probably due to their genes. But for most people, it is probably due to the food they consume.

Sugary food can be the main source of the problems. When you consume food with sugar, they can get stuck between the teeth, resulting in cavities.

If you are suffering in pain, don’t suffer in silence. No matter how much you hate the dentist, now is probably the time to make an appointment.

Alternatively, you can depend on tooth pain relief home remedy. However, these tooth pain remedies may simply be a short term solution.

So, what kind of dental pain relief can you use?

Well, let’s take an example. If your problem is with your gums, then you can try to apply ice outside you mouth. This can help you to reduce the swelling.

View the original article here

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Remedies for Toothaches – What if You Can’t See The Dentist?

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Need remedies for toothaches?

When a toothache strikes you, you don’t always get the opportunity to see the dentist. The pain may strike you on Friday night and you know the earliest time you can reach a dentist is Monday morning, provided you are lucky. And what if you are on a vacation? You may not get to see the dentist until a week or so later.

Fortunately, all hope is not gone. This is the time to depend on home remedies for toothaches. These homemade toothache remedy can be quite easy to prepare also.

What causes your toothache?

Well, it can be due to a crack in your enamel or tooth. This can lead to exposed nerves. Another possibility is an infection or abscess in the area around the root of the tooth. Yet another possible  reason is an infection of your gum.

It doesn’t really matter what is the reason for your toothache for now. Anyone who has suffered from one knows it is one of the most unbearable pain anyone can endure. Thus, it is always a good idea to have a pain relief for toothache you can rely on.

One homemade toothache remedy you can use is ice. No, don’t even think you are going to put the ice on your teeth! Unless you don’t want your teeth anymore. What you are going to do instead is to put some ice into a plastic bag as a relief for toothache.

Place the ice bag on your cheek. This can help to numb the area and reduce the swelling on the gums. It is important to use your own judgment. If it causes more pain, then you should stop.

You may also want to try rinsing your mouth with salt water. You may not like the taste of salt but it can be a temporary cure for toothache.

View the original article here

Painful Tooth? Don’t Suffer In Silence! Get Relief Now!

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Suffering from painful tooth is one of the worst experiences one can ever go through. Dental pain can seriously affect your quality of life. It can cause you to lose your appetite. In worse situations, you may even feel the pain while you are talking.

If you are suffering from a painful tooth, here are some remedies that can help you.

First, you can choose to chew on foods like onions and garlic in order to help you relief your dental pain. These 2 super food contain antibacterial properties that will help you in cleaning your teeth and thus help you relief the pain.

Most people are concerned about the bad breath that these 2 super foods can give them. Don’t worry. You can always count on chewing a peppermint leaf after that. No only can you sooth your pain in tooth, it will also help you get rid of bad breath.

You may also want to use alcohol. Of course, you shouldn’t drink it. Not for the purpose of stopping toothache anyway.

If you have any liquor in your home, just pour a small cup, dip your finger into it. Then run your fingers on your painful gums. Alternatively, just rinse your mouth with the liquor. This may also be helpful to numb any tooth pain you experience.

Common sense will also tell you that you should avoid extremely cold food like ice cream or extremely hot food like a cup of hot coffee.

This is because at this point in time, your teeth is probably going to be sensitive. Any food that are too hot or too cold is going to cause you  discomfort.

Alternatively, you can try pain relief medication like Tylenol for oral pain.

When all else fail, the dentist is probably the best solution. At the very least, you should find out the root of the problem and the dentist will be able to do so for you.

Last but not least, the best way to stop a painful tooth is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Now that is has already happened, just try to ensure that it won’t happen again.

Practice good dental hygiene every day. At the minimum, brush your teeth at least twice a day, floss and rinse your mouth every day.

View the original article here

Friday, October 22, 2010

Pain in Tooth? Here Are Some Simple Solutions You Can Use

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Truth be told, there are many possible reasons why a person can suffer from a pain in tooth. Some possible causes are decay, bacteria or even an exposed nerve. Regardless of the possible reason, it is always a good idea to make an appointment with your dentist.

However, your next appointment may be at least a few days later. So, in the mean time, how can you deal with the throbbing pain in tooth?

Well, here are a few solution to deal with your tooth ache pain.

Perhaps one of the most simple and common relief is through the use of pain medication like Tylenol. However, you should be prepared that there might still be some discomfort when you are eating.

People suffering from toothache must be careful about what they eat. It is always better to go for mild and dull food. Food that is too cold or too hot can result in pain. This is because your teeth is probably sensitive.

Here is a natural home remedy that may help you curb your shooting pain in tooth.

Do you have garlic in your kitchen. If yes, just chew a garlic. The great thing about garlic is that it has strong antibacterial properties and can help you clean your teeth. Alternatively, you can try onions instead. They are both great natural toothache remedies.

Obviously, most people don’t like to use onion or garlic. Awful taste aside, they will also give you bad breath. Fortunately, you can chew on peppermint leaves to help you get rid of that bad breath.

There are even some people who use a strong shot of whiskey to deal with their sharp pain in tooth. Of course, you are not to drink it. Just dip your finger in the whiskey. Then rub your finger over your gum. You can also use it like a mouth wash.

Any liquor can do. This will help to numb the gums and relief your pain.

If your tooth ache pain continues to torture you, it is probably time to go see a dentist. There is this possibility that a cavity might be forming and it is certainly something to be taken care of as soon as possible.

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Cures for Toothache Pain – 3 Home Remedies for Toothache

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While a toothache is not going to kill you, it can certainly torture you more than any other pain in the body. If you are searching for cures for toothache pain, you definitely want to do it as fast as possible.

Sometimes, normal over the counter medication may not work. And if your toothache happen in the middle of the night when dentists are not available, then you will have to resort to home remedies for toothache to ease the pain for the time being.

There are several home cures for toothache pain. However, most of them are only suitable as a temporary solution until you visit the dentist and find out the root cause of your pain. When you reach the stage of your tooth experiencing pain, then it is probably due to a problem with your gums or tooth. You should try to take care of the situation as soon as you can.

For the time being, you can use the following toothache remedies to try and reduce your pain.

1)Have you ever visited a dentist for what is called the ‘dry socket’? Usually, after a tooth is pulled out, the dentist will place a concoction consisting of clove and other substances in the hole where your tooth was.

If you have clove in your pantry, you can use it too. All you need to do is to crush it, dab on a swab and apply it to the affected tooth and the surrounding area. You are probably not going to like the taste but it can probably help you ease the pain.

2)Ice may be the last thing you think of when you are searching for cures for toothache pain. However, it may prove useful. Just apply the ice outside your mouth. It should help ease the pain and reduce swelling of affected areas.

3) In order to ease the pain and reduce the swelling, you can also try to rinse with salt water. It is a natural method to clean up the affected area of  bacteria and germs. This is a method you can try until a dentist is available.

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Toothache Remedies That Work | Cure Toothache Remedies at Home

Click here to visit 12HourToothacheCure.comAre you looking for toothache remedies that work? While this is not a life threatening disease, it is certainly a torturing condition. Sometimes, it just seems that there is no way to cure toothache pain. Yet, everyone wants to know how to cure toothache fast. If you are looking for the best toothache remedies, here are some of them.

1) Ice Cube

This method serves more as a distraction rather than a cure, especially when you are experiencing excruciating pain. Obviously, you are not going to place this ice cube on your teeth. That is going to make things worse.

What you should do instead is to hold the ice cube with your hand. Trying rubbing the ice with your palms. Your mind will start to focus on the discomfort of your palms instead of your toothache. As mentioned above, this serves more as a distraction rather than cure. Use this method when you feel severe toothache.

On the other hand, you can also try a cold compact on your cheek. This can help you ease the pain and swelling.

2) Garlic and Onion

If you are trying to cure toothache naturally, you can try garlic. Just chew a piece a garlic when you experience pain. Although doing so can ease your pain, try to do it in moderation as it may cause bad breath. This is something  you can do daily as a way of prevention. In fact, you can also choose to use onion instead of garlic.

3) Using Liquor

You can also use liquor to reduce swelling. Simply soak a cotton swab with brandy. Hold it on your teeth for several minutes so that it can ease your pain. It is not necessary to use brandy. Other liquors will also do.

If you are looking for the best natural remedies for toothache, then there is nothing better than good daily hygiene. As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. All you need to do is to clean your teeth everyday. Of course, one of the best toothache remedies is to visit the dentist regularly.

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tooth Pain Remedies – How to Deal With Tooth Pain

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Suffering from tooth pain is probably one of the worst experiences one can ever go through and you definitely want to look for some tooth pain remedies.

Initially, it may start off as a dull ache or even a severe sharp pain while you are eating. Unfortunately, it only gets worse over time. Soon, you will feel the pain almost every minute. The only thing worse than tooth pain is tooth nerve pain.

It adversely affect the quality of your life, from your work, to your sleep and even when you are eating or drinking. In fact, to exaggerate a little bit, some people might choose death rather than suffering from toothache.

Severe tooth ache pain can be a warning that there is something very wrong with your teeth. Therefore, the very first thing you should do is to visit the dentist.

Nobody likes to see the dentist, that’s for sure. However, that should not be the reason for delaying the trip. The condition can get worse every single day. It is best to take care of it as soon as possible, lest the condition becomes so serious that it cost even more to fix the problem.

If your tooth pain is not that severe, that you can consider using some tooth pain home remedies instead. Alternatively, you can always purchase some over the counter solution.

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tooth Nerve Pain – How to Handle Severe Tooth Nerve Pain

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Unlike normal toothache, tooth nerve pain is not the same. At times, you feel as though there is an electric shock firing off inside your mouth. This is exactly how it feels like.

The nerves are electrical impulses and when triggered, you do feel as though you are being shocked. This is probably the worst kind of toothache one can ever experience. What makes thing worst is that it can strike you at any moment without any advance notice. At this point of time, you do hope for remedies for toothaches.

It might be true that dental nerve pain can appear out of nowhere, but there is definitely a reason behind it. A lot of times, it is due to the swelling of the area around the tooth nerves.

Because of the swollen tissues, pressure is being placed on the nerve in the root of the tooth. If that is really the cause of the pain, then the best tooth nerve pain remedy is to reduce the swelling first.

When you want to reduce  the swelling in other parts of your body, you will usually use ice. You are going to do the same thing here.

You should apply the ice outside the mouth, not directly on the tooth. Be sure to use a covered ice bag. If not, it will be too cold and can make the condition worse.

The result may not come as fast as you would like. However, by keeping the ice pack on for about 20 minutes each hour, you should be able to reduce the swelling and you should be able to gain tooth nerve pain relief.

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Relief for Toothache – Toothache Pain Relief for You Today

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Seeking relief for toothache pain? Toothaches are very common nowadays. Men and women, regardless of age suffers from painful tooth everyday. If you are suffering from the pain, here are some remedies for toothache.

Most people didn’t realize that they have 2 super food in their kitchen. These 2 super food provide natural pain relief for toothache.

They are none other than garlic and onion. If you are looking for toothache relieve, just chew on a piece of garlic or onion. With their strong antibacterial properties, they can help you with disinfection, thus providing you with quick relief for toothache.

The only drawback is that both onions and garlic doesn’t taste good in your month, not to mention the awful bad breath they can give you. One way to deal with this problem is to chew peppermint after the garlic and onion session.

Peppermint itself is also useful to a certain extent to help you cure toothaches though it is probably not as good as onions or garlic.

Vanilla extract may also be a helpful relief if your children are suffering from tooth pain. Not only is it a great pain reliever, it also taste good. This is the type of medication that no kids will probably dislike.

If cures doesn’t help, then you might want to consider distraction technique. The idea here is to rub your skin with ice. You skin will feel the discomfort and hopefully, your brain will now focus on the discomfort on your skin rather than the tooth.

One thing to take note. These are all temporary solutions at best. To get permanent relief for toothache, a visit to the dentist may be necessary after all.

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Monday, October 18, 2010

Home Remedies for Toothaches – Fast Toothache Pain Remedies

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What are some home remedies for toothaches?

There are probably 1001 reasons why people do not like to visit the dentist. No one enjoys having to sit in that uncomfortable chair for hours. No one enjoys having some foreign objects in their mouth. No one like to spend that extra money. And most important of all, no one enjoys the pain.

Unfortunately, if you don’t visit the dentist as soon as possible, the situation can get worse. It is important to find out the toothache causes.

However, if you are searching for home remedies for toothaches instead of visiting the dentist, you can certainly gain some toothache relief in the short run. Nevertheless, you should still go and visit the dentist to find out the root problem. For now, you are likely to need some natural remedies for toothaches.

Remember this. Most home remedies for toothaches only work in the short term to deaden the nerves. This will not solve the root problem that is causing you the pain. However, it does ease the pain till you visit the dentist.

One commonly used method is to rinse your mouth using warm salt water. Although you are not going to like the taste of salt water and it is certainly an unpleasant experience, you will benefit from toothache relief almost immediately.

Ice is commonly used to relief pain and aches in the human body. This is also very true when it comes to toothache. Obviously, you should NOT place the ice directly on your affected tooth. This will only make things worse.

What you should do instead is to put some ice in a plastic bag and wrap the plastic bag in a towel. Hold the package to your mouth or jaw for about 20 minutes at a time. This can be helpful in reducing swelling.

You can find many other home remedies for toothaches. However, prevention is always better than depending on cures for toothache pain. It is always a good idea to visit the dentist regularly so that any potential problems can be spotted fast before the pain set in.

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Remedies for a Toothache – 4 Advice You Can Use

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What are some home remedies for a toothache? There are many causes for a dental problem which causes you to look for remedies for a toothache. The most common cause is the failure to practice good hygiene. If you don’t have the habit of brushing your teeth on a regular basis, bacteria can easily build up in your teeth.

With the abundance of bacteria in your mouth, it can result in decay which in turn leads to toothaches. Here are 4 advice you can use. Relief for toothache.

1) Chewing Garlic Cloves or Onions

If you are looking for home remedy for impacted tooth, garlic is a wonderful food that can help you clean the teeth. It will also help you ease the pain. Just like garlic, onions also have similar properties. This means you can also choose to use onions instead of garlic as a cure for a toothache.

Bad breath may result after the chewing of onions or garlic cloves. One solution is to chew a peppermint leaf after the chewing of onions or garlic cloves.

2) Using one Ice Cube

This is a distraction method. You will not be using the ice cube directly on your teeth. In fact, you should NEVER do that. What you are going to do with the ice cube is to run it on your skin to cause discomfort. This is to cause your brain to focus on the pain on your skin so that you will forget about your toothache altogether.

3) Using Alcohol

You can also use alcohol as a relief for a toothache. No, you are not going to drink it. And obviously, you are not going to use this as an excuse to consume alcohol.

What you are going to do instead is to rub the alcohol under your gums.

4) Avoid Very Hot or Cold Food

If you are suffering from tooth pain, you are probably suffering from sensitive teeth too. Thus, you should try to avoid very hot or cold food. Consuming food of extreme temperature can trigger the pain that you want to avoid.

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How to Stop Toothache Pain Fast

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How to stop toothache pain fast? The best way is probably to visit the dentist as soon as possible. There are many possible causes of toothache. For example, dental problems like bacteria and decay can cause irritation in the nerve endings of your teeth.

If you want to know how to stop toothache immediately, here are some tips that can help you. You can also find some home remedies for toothache here. However, do take note that they are only a short term solution that will only give you short term relief.

To learn how to stop toothache fast, it is good to know what kinds of food is beneficial to you. For example, onions and garlic possess antibacterial properties that will help boost the health of your teeth.

You can choose to run them on your teeth or even to chew them. Most probably, you are not going to enjoy the taste, not to mention the bad breath it will give you. However, for the sake of toothache pain relief, you may want to try this solution.

Here is a method to counter bad breath. You can always chew a peppermint leave after chewing a garlic. This is also good for your teeth.

To make sure that you can stop severe toothache, be sure to avoid extremely hot and cold food. This is because you are likely to have sensitive teeth. Consuming food of extreme temperature can trigger sensitive reactions that cause pain.

You may also want to consider using liquor. Of course the purpose is not to drink it. Just dip the tip of your finger into the whiskey. Rub your finger on the affected tooth. This can prove helpful in easing your pain and numbing the gums.

However, nothing is better than prevention. If it is already too late and you are already affected by toothache, then it may be time to make a trip to the dentist.

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Friday, October 15, 2010

Natural Toothache Remedies – Simple Toothache Relief Tips for You

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Searching for natural toothache remedies? Suffering from toothache is probably one of the most miserable experience a person can go through. While the pain is not life threatening, it can greatly affect the quality of your life and interfere with your ability to eat, drink and sleep. You definitely want to learn how to stop toothache pain fast.

When it comes to toothache cure, prevention is always the best solution. That means visiting the dentist regularly, at least once of twice per year, even if you are not suffering from toothache.

If you are already suffering from this condition, then it is always a good idea to know some natural toothache remedies that can help you relief any kind of pain temporarily, until you get the chance to meet the dentist.

While natural toothache remedies can be helpful in easing the pain, it may not necessary be able to heal the root problem. This is because there are many possible reasons why a person can suffer from pain in the teeth. For example, enamel eroded, exposed nerve, crack in the tooth or a cavity.

It can also be due to problems that happen under the gum line such as an abcess, a broken root or gum disease.

For toothache pain relief, there are many natural toothache remedies that can help you. In case you are suffering from extreme pain, you will want to heal your pain as soon as possible. Visit the dentist as soon as possible. However, for mild pain, or in cases where the dentist is not available until 2 to 3 days later, you might want to try a natural remedy first.

In fact, most people should be able to find cloves in their kitchen. This is an extremely common home remedies for toothache. Most likely, your dentist will also possess his/her version of clove remedy too. This is a natural remedy that can help you sooth exposed nerves and pain.

You can try to apply salt and ground clove to your affected teeth and surrounding area and you should be able to ease your pain.

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