Friday, October 29, 2010

Tooth Implants

Tooth implants are the creation of modern dentistry. Tooth implanting gives you a perfect appearance like the original tooth. They look similar to real teeth and also function like the real one. The process is a great technology and before going for implants you need to understand some important procedure requirements.

Firstly you have to check your dental conditions. Before doing the implanting the doctor will check your medical condition and also he will do the necessary check ups. From this check up the doctor will get an idea whether you are a good candidate for the implants or not.

By checking your physical and dental fitness the doctor will get the correct method to treat you. Depending on the patient's jaw and teeth condition, different implant methods are available. Sometimes for some people bone grafting is also necessary before the implant.

The implant is usually made of with titanium because it suitably merges with the human jaw. These are usually for the people with normal jawbones. When you have an insufficient jawbone then you have to do bone grafting before the implant. About the procedure, once you receive anesthesia the gum will open and your jaw bone is drilled. Then the implant is inserted in the gum by a method of stitching.

After this, the second step occurs. You may have to wait upto 3 months because this period will help the bone to grow with the implant. The next step is to attach the post. This is done by making another hole on the gum and then attached to implant. Then again you have to wait for 2 or 3 weeks for the gum to heal around the post.

After this healing, the dentist will check and then decide the correct crown for the missing teeth or tooth and determine what looks like normal teeth in appearance and also in functioning.

Read about tooth implant London and cosmetic dentist London

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